Voobly Live Streaming Guide

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Voobly now offers support to stream your games live. Live streaming often allows for exciting commentary and the opportunity to discuss and learn new strategies. By offering live streaming, Voobly hopes to connect gamers around the world by allowing them to broadcast, watch and chat while playing online.

When your personal stream is set up and live, it will appear under the "Live Stream" tab on your Voobly profile. This broadcast allows other Voobly members to watch your game play live as it is happening. When in a game lounge, any game rooms with live streams available will be denoted with a red icon livestream.png. You can just right-click on the player's name and select "View Live Stream" to watch. For your convenience, there is also a complete list of all games being streamed on Voobly that can be found under the ""Live Stream"" tab on our homepage.

Streaming on Voobly is achieved by using a screen capturing program to broadcast your game through a streaming service (e.g. [You must login to view link]). In other words, programs like OBS are used to capture a live video of everything happening on your computer screen, while Twitch tv is a website that displays that video stream, which will directly broadcast the stream on your Voobly profile after linking your Voobly account with your Twich tv account. Although this may sound complicated, it is very easy to set up using the steps found below.


System Requirements

Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements

Getting Started

To begin streaming you will need to create a Twitch tv account, link your Twitch tv account to your Voobly account, download and setup a streaming program and correctly configure your game room settings. This is much easier than it sounds if you follow the easy steps below.

Setup a Twitch TV account

Once you have your Twitch tv account set up, you will need to link it to your Voobly profile.

Step 1: Open the Voobly homepage and click Settings in the menu header. (see image below)

Step 2: Enter your Twitch tv username in the "TwitchTV Username" area.(see image below)

Step 3: Scroll down and click on the blue button stating "Save Changes".

Set up your stream using Open Broadcaster Software

Although there are various capturing programs to choose from, we recommend using [You must login to view link] (OBS). If you are bound to use [You must login to view link],[You must login to view link] or other programs due to your graphics card not supporting DirectX 10, please refer to the [You must login to view link].

Getting started: The settings here just serve as an example, please read the annotations in brackets behind.

It is a good idea to create a new profile in OBS in order not to overwrite your existing settings. Just type in a new profile name and click on "Add".
Use CBR: Yes
Quality Balance: (becomes irrelevant by checking "Use CBR")
Enable CBR Padding: Yes
Max Bitrate: Use [You must login to view link] to find out about your upload speed and take ~85% of the result as your bitrate. Max bitrate twitch allows: 3500. Example: 1.0 Mbps -> Bitrate: 850 ) remember to close everything that could cause unnecessary upload (file-sharing, skype, spotify);
Use Custom Buffer Size: No
Audio: AAC Codec + 128 Bitrate (or more, if your upload can handle it)
Mode: Live Stream
Streaming Service: Twitch / Justin .tv
FMS URL: Make sure to choose the server with the lowest average ping - [You must login to view link] is a good tool for this
Play Path/Stream Key: Retrieve your "Stream Key" from your Twitch Dashboard and click on "Show Key"
Minimize Network Impact: No (only if your bitrate is less than 900)
Resolution Downscale: 1.5 (i.e. 1280x720; faster upload: factor 1.25)
Filter: Bilinear (Fastest)
FPS: 24
Disable Aero: Yes (Windows 7 only).
Use Multithreaded Optimizations: Yes
Process Priority Class: Above Normal (as long as it doesn't inflict on your mouse movement or gives you command lag)
Scene Buffering Time: 700
Disable encoding while previewing: No
Allow modifiers on hotkeys: Yes
x264 CPU Preset: veryfast (superfast for older/slower CPUs; faster/fast for stronger ones)
x264 Encoding Profile: main
Keyframe Interval: 2
Use CFR: Yes
Custom x264 Encoder Settings: lol

Configure Voobly game room settings

Before streaming and launching your game, you will need to confiure your game room settings to complete the set up process for streaming. Follow the two steps below to set up game room settings.

Bridging Twitch Tv and Irc chat with in-game chat

[Work in progress]

Chat Moderation

It is also possible to use Twitch Tv chat commands through Voobly and Age of empires to moderate your chat and help keep those annoying users at bay.


The intent of the live streaming feature is for the purpose streaming games being played on Voobly only. Please activate your stream for these types of cases only. Voobly explicitly prohibits the use of live streaming for the purpose of advertising or displaying adult content. All material listed under our Terms of Service that you agreed to upon creating an account at Voobly, applies to live streaming. Voobly reserves the right to disable any stream at any time as they feel necessary. Continued abuse with streaming may result in even further action.

If you have something you think would be beneficial for the community to stream that doesn't meet this criteria, please get permission from the moderation staff.

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